Frequently Asked Questions with Jen Dollar from Realty Executives Orlando
Posted by Jen Dollar on
Recently, we sat down with Jen Dollar, owner & broker of Realty Executives Florida. We asked her a handful of FAQs that we receive almost on a daily basis from people looking to buy homes in the Orlando area.
What are some of the BEST neighborhoods to live in in the Orlando area?
This is a tough one. For me, in the downtown area would be College Park and Delaney Park. Then, if you go north of Orlando into Seminole County, Heathrow, Steeple Chase, Lake Markham Preserve or the gated neighborhoods down Markham Woods Road. Then in the southwest part of town, Dr. Phillips is a popular area and also, Windermere, and now Winter Garden is becoming very popular with the new home developments.
If I was a younger family moving to Orlando area for the…
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