Selling a home takes time, but it doesn't take that much time.  If your home for sale isn't selling or if you want to make sure that it sells when you put it on the market, then avoid these top 5 mistakes that people make when selling a home.  Sometimes doing everything right is largely a matter of not doing anything wrong.


The Wrong Price

When you have a home for sale, you need to ask for the right price.  Asking for a price that is too high compared to the market value of a home will have it competing with homes that are actually worth more, and in this scenario, it will always come up short.  The people who would actually want to buy your home often won't see it because an asking price that is too high will usually put it out of the price range…

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keypad_400It is often the small details that can make a big difference when you are trying to sell your home in this housing market.  One great example of this is the lockbox.  This little box can create the right circumstances for selling your home by making the process easier on everyone.  Here is how a lockbox can help you to sell your home.

What Is A Lockbox?

A lockbox is a small metal box that contains a key to your house.  It allows real estate agents to access a key to your house anytime they want to show your house to potential buyers.  This allows them to gain entry when you are not around, and with modern lockboxes, it allows for a record to be kept of what real estate agents accessed the lockbox and when.  It can only be accessed by those who should…

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