sold_sign_400There is an art to bidding on a house and winning.  If you learn this art, then you can increase your chances of getting that coveted winning bid and having your new home.  For all you know, these tricks could be all that stands between you and buying a home of your dreams. 

Get An Agent

This one is self-explanatory.  When you have a good agent, they can tell you what you need to know, and they can skillfully handle the bidding process.  At Realty Executives, we have experienced realtors you can trust to guide you through this process and to give you the best chance of getting the winning bid.

Offer As Much As You Can

Offering as much as you can is the best way to increase your chances of winning a bidding war.  Money talks and higher offers are…

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home_interiors_2608Getting ready to sell your home isn't only about making changes to your home.  You also need to change the way that you look at your home for sale so that you can let go and so that you can makes changes that potential buyers will find appealing.  Here are some of the ways that you can get yourself and your home ready for the sale of this home.

It's Not Your House Anymore

This is the first thing you need to make peace with.  You are selling your home so it is no longer yours.  You might a well make peace with that fact before it is even sold.  This will make the next steps easier as you are no longer going to be making this home attractive to you but attractive to others looking to find a home.  Be ready to leave this house behind so that you can…

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house_400First-time home buyers often make mistakes when looking for a new home simply because they do not know any better.  This can cause them to become disenchanted with the dream of home ownership but can help them to learn important lessons along the way.  To save you some of the pain of learning through experience, here are the biggest mistakes that first-time home buyers make when trying to find a home.

Not Picking The Right Agent

This can mean that you pick the wrong agent or that you opt to go without an agent at all.  The wrong agent won't have the right experience in the right area or may not have the right track record of success.  Or they may not be the right match for you simply because of personality issues. 

Not hiring an agent at all will…

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