images_239_01The idea of selling your home in today's market is not a pleasant one. With so much inventory for buyers to choose from, sellers are anxious to do everything they can to help their home stand out from the crowd.

On the other hand, prices are at near record lows and may well dip further before they bottom out. So, sellers are hesitant to spend money on upgrades to their homes when they're not sure of how much of that investment they'll be able to get back when the home sells.

The balance between attracting buyers and preparing financially for a lower sales price than you hoped is a tough one right now.

The best advice we can give people whose homes need repairs or upgrades is not to try and sell right now. Waiting until there's less inventory and…

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images_239The real estate market in central Florida is starting to turn around, though by everyone's admission, the recovery is slow. It's still a buyer's market, and there is still plenty of inventory available. Still, we know that this area of the country should prove to be one of the best areas of the country in which to invest in real estate, because it is one of the country's fastest growing areas. Today, Orlando

Though Orlando and surrounding areas offer plenty of new construction, there are also plenty of older homes available. Many of these homes have been significantly remodeled and updated, too.

Because Orlando and the surrounding areas are attracting new businesses, and employees of large corporations, many of our buyers are more interested in…

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